What’s Holding You Back?

Andy Kiu
2 min readJun 1, 2021
Picture from Nathan Crowley via pexels.com

What is holding you back from reaching your goal? If we identify the elements that stopping us from moving ahead, hopefully you will work on them and fulfil your dreams. Here are some elements that are holding you back.


All of us are afraid of something, whether we choose to acknowledge it. Fear makes us think negative thoughts. Those negative thoughts will only bring uncertainty and would cause indecision. Don’t let yourself get stuck in a negative loop. Always be optimistic believe in yourself that you could do it. If you believe in yourself, you’re much more likely to succeed and even if you don’t succeed, the skill and experience that you gain would help you develop and you could always try again.


Expectation is a belief that everything will go your way and be perfect. But in reality, expectation can get the better of us when we expect more than what is realistic in a situation. Our expectations can create significant stress when they don’t match up to reality. Therefore, it’s important to take a deeper look into how your expectations stack up to reality.

Your goals should be your guide. Take an honest assessment of yourself be realistic. Ask yourself if your expectations should be this way. Where did these expectations come from and are they realistic? Often the expectations that we set for ourself would often end up becoming a barrier.

Comparing Yourself To Others

Theodore Roosevelt once called comparison “the thief of joy,” and he’s right. Comparison can motivate people to improve, but it can also promote judgmental, biased, and overly competitive or superior attitudes.

Whether you’re starting a business or learning a new skill, you will always compare to others and expect your results to be like theirs. However, since you cannot see the struggle and hardship that they face, you would assume they never existed. Which makes you feel inadequate, incapable, and discouraged.


Hopefully, you can identify the elements that are holding you back. They are now problems that could be solved instead of one's weighing you down.

